焦點護膚成分:白藜蘆醇 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
美肌功效②保護皮膚及細胞...白藜蘆醇的抗氧化功效,實際上比許多其他抗氧化物如維他命E、維他命C、以及艾地苯(一種人工合成之抗氧化物)更強。它除了能保護 ...
People who like to drink often claim that, “I only drink red wine. Its resveratrol content is good for the skin and is effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases and dementia, so it’s fine.”
Well, resveratrol is undoubtedly great, but the problem is that research shows 1,000 bottles of red wine are needed a day to get enough resveratrol to reap its purported benefits, not to mention alcohol can cause skin dehydration and inflammation. If beautiful skin is what you are after, instead of red wine, choose skincare products that contain resveratrol.
What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol naturally present in grapes, berries (such as mulberries, cranberries, blueberries and bilberries), and cacao beans. It is produced by plants as a protective antibiotic to fight off fungal attacks, drought, UV radiation and inflammation.
美容成份 『白藜蘆醇』~抗氧化、保濕、美白、抗發炎~ 愛美 ... | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
白藜蘆醇抗老!美白保濕3強效 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
焦點護膚成分:白藜蘆醇 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
【抗衰老救星】白藜蘆醇有助預防皮膚老化 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
白藜蘆醇:用途功效、潛在的副作用與注意事項 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
白藜蘆醇抗老!美白保濕3強效@ ariel的小天地:: 痞客邦 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
抗氧化保養品:肌膚抗老化極需的五種抗氧化物,不但可以抵禦 ... | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
解密紅葡萄酒中的『白藜蘆醇』 | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
花10分鐘認識【白藜蘆醇】能助你長壽10歲,值得!!! | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
白藜蘆醇抗癌神話破滅,但是它的抗老功效你不能錯過! | 國產維生素膠囊大剖析
【菈蜜妮 藜醇D素膠囊 】昂陽企業有限公司
【D藜醇壽原膠囊 】昂陽企業有限公司